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Gluten-Free New Year’s Resolutions

by Elyse the Gluten-Free Foodee

Happy New Year, my gluten-free Foodees. Let’s talk about gluten-free New Year’s resolutions.

Let’s get a few things out of the way first about gluten-free New Year’s resolutions:

Firstly, a gluten-free lifestyle isn’t a fad diet to lose weight or to help jump start a cleanse for the new year. Those who need to be on a gluten-free diet are the only people who should be on a gluten-free diet.

Who needs to be on a gluten-free diet?

Those with celiac disease, or have a non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or those who have to be gluten-free, for other medical reasons, are the only people who need to be on a gluten-free diet. To learn more about this, check out our article here.

Secondly, many gluten-free packaged goods contain more sugar, fat, and salt than their “traditional” gluten counterparts, to add flavour. Thus, just because they don’t include gluten doesn’t mean they are innately healthy. You need to read labels and make your own decisions about pre-packaged and convenience foods. I mean, we all want or need a gluten-free Oreo now and again.

Thirdly, many people who have to or want to adopt a gluten-free diet do so in the new year.

Why wait until the new year?

It’s less stressful – as long as your healthcare providers deem it advisable – to wait until January. I was told to adopt an elimination diet by my doctor to see if gluten impacted me at the end of November (about 10 years ago), and I waited until the new year. Why? I didn’t want the stress of a new way of life combined with the stress of the holidays. So, I made a sort of gluten-free New Year’s resolution. Mine was to start this new way of life in the new year. There is anxiety associated with going gluten-free (read more about that here) as well as a learning curve, and I felt that tackling it in the new year was easier for me. This gave me time to learn some basics and go full tilt when I was more prepared.

So, if you have a gluten-free New Year’s resolution on your agenda, here are some resources to help you get started on your journey.

There are other gluten-free New Year’s resolutions you may want to make, like trying to bake and cook at home more. Or try finding a great local gluten-free restaurant to enjoy in your area. So try finding more local gluten-free small businesses etc…

No matter what your gluten-free New Year’s resolution or any resolution may be-you have to remember to be kind to yourself. Resolutions can sometimes put undue strain on us. While having and meeting goals is important, you also need to enjoy the journey.

May you have a happy and healthy gluten-free New Year.

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PLEASE NOTE: If your question/comment pertains to your health, please understand we are not qualified to provide that advice. If you are feeling unwell, we recommend you seek medical assistance ASAP. If your question/comment is related to a post or living your best gluten-free life (recipe, tips, reviews, etc), we got you covered :)

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