Easter can be a difficult time for families whose children are gluten-free because they can feel left out of egg hunts and other festivities. Which, depending on their age, can be rather difficult. So, we’ve compiled 5 tips for a kid-friendly gluten-free Easter to help make the holiday more inclusive!
Know that there are gluten-free candy options available. We’ve put together the ultimate gluten-free Easter candy list, and the ultimate gluten-free Easter chocolate list, to help you navigate safe treats. With the help of these lists, you will be able to decipher which treats can safely be enjoyed.
5 Tips for a Kid-Friendly Gluten-Free Easter
1) Host the event!
Host the egg hunt yourself. This way you can control the treats that the kids can find during an egg hunt or whatever activity that they enjoy. Here are some great Gluten-Free Easter Menu Ideas that include brunch, dinner, appetizer, and dessert options.
2) Make individual Easter baskets:
Make an Easter basket for each child that caters to their dietary needs. Try to keep them all safe/ similar so that if kids do trade treats, they will not cause any issues.
3) Make the children aware that they can’t eat any treats before you have looked them over:
If you are at an egg hunt, tell the children not to open the plastic eggs and eat treats before you have looked them over. This will give you a chance to ensure that they are only eating safe treats.
4) Have trades available:
Having a one-for-one trade available might not be possible, as you don’t know how many items your kids will collect/get. One idea is to have a trading chart and go over this with the children beforehand. This allows you to treat unsafe candy like arcade tokens, which they can trade for something better. Then you can either give away or donate the unsafe candy.
Ideas for trades might be that- so many unsafe candies equal one full-size safe treat, a small gift, a $5 gift card, a sticker sheet, an activity like going to the movies, or whatever they are into. The child’s age will determine what they will enjoy. The items do not have to be expensive, they just have to be something that will attract the child’s attention.
5) Let people know what is safe and give them other ideas:
If you are going to an Easter hunt, or your child/children are just receiving gifts from family, let those who might be organizing, or buying gifts, this information about what is safe candy/chocolate to give. Sending these lists to them will prove to be very handy; as it contains the lists of safe candy and safe chocolate. You can also encourage them to give items that are not food. These gifts or items do not have to be expensive, they can be bubble sets, stickers, little Easter toys, stuffed animals, or even slime.
Armed with these 5 tips for a kid-friendly, gluten-free Easter, should result in a fun, safe and tear-free holiday.
Do you have any tips for a kid-friendly gluten-free Easter to add to our list?
Let us know in the comments below, as we love hearing from our gluten-free foodees.
By sharing information we are able to help each other live our best gluten-free life, especially for our children.
And by following any one of our above ideas, you’ll be making happy memories for every gluten-free child, who just wants to be treated normally!
Happy Easter